Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week #16 Crippled by Depression- Comics Anthology

Crippled by Depression was originally a comics anthology me and Adam Beebe wanted to do for years. The idea was to have a cover like an EC comic but instead of saying “Tales from the CRYPT”, It would be “Crippled by DEPRESSION”, and all the stories would be about people unable to live up to there potential. We even toyed with the idea of having like a slob guy as the host in the place of the Crypt Keeper.

A few years after we came up with the idea we actually sort of used the title to cross-promote our one-off zines, crippled by depression #1 was 22 Poems about Girls I saw on the Subway and #2 was Adam’s documented foray into online dating “Why Don’t Nobody Love Me?”.

Still I’d like to do the actual comic some day. I know Adam drew a three page thing for the inside, James Call has been writing a sort of monthly thing and Larry Luna drew a cover a while back which was pretty awesome. I guess it’s mostly up to me to take the reigns and do this if it’s gonna get done but if there’s anyone out there making comics let me know, if we get enough content I could put it together pretty easily.

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